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Vision & Mission Statement


Copy of franklin pic-02Vision

We envision an inviting, diverse, environmentally sustainable, and fiscally strong Franklin where all can be engaged and find a home. We are aligned with the vision of the 2022 Franklin for All report.


We are an inclusive community advocating for a Franklin with abundant, affordable housing for all and walkable, economically vibrant downtown and neighborhoods that evolve in a fiscally-responsible manner. 


We advocate for Franklin to adopt smart land use and zoning policies in the following areas:

  • Housing: We support the creation of diverse housing options, both public and private. By zoning for duplexes, triplexes, accessory dwelling units (ADUs), and other forms of missing middle housing, especially in our downtown core, we create more abundant and affordable homes for all stages of life and ensure residents greater control of their economic futures. This group seeks to understand and remedy the legacy of racial and socioeconomic segregation, either intended or unintended, resulting from historic exclusionary development practices.
  • Transportation: We support the option of active, low-pollutant lifestyles in Franklin through the creation of pedestrian-oriented, transit-accessible neighborhoods. Bike lanes, traffic calming, appropriately-scaled parking, sidewalks, public art, lighting, and shade trees enhance accessible mobility of our downtown core and neighborhoods, assuring residents of all incomes and abilities access to basic needs and other amenities of our Franklin community.
  • Economic vitality: We support local, neighborhood small businesses, the lifeblood of a vibrant community. Through traditional human-scaled design, Franklin’s charming New England downtown should be a regular destination for residents and visitors alike.
  • Community: We support a built environment that safely welcomes people of all backgrounds and encourages people to connect and socialize with others. Third places, gathering spaces, social events, and arts & culture enhance the Town’s social cohesion and civic engagement.
  • Environmental sustainability: We support a resource-efficient Franklin that favors compact development over excessive sprawl, protecting the Town’s rich forests and farmlands. Street trees, multi-use paths, green space, and parks improve public health and climate resiliency. 
  • Fiscal solvency: Growth is necessary to sustain a financially-healthy community. In order to afford the continued and expanded delivery of high-quality public services, including education, health, and safety, Franklin must incrementally develop in a manner that increases the Town’s tax revenue and doesn’t further add to the Town’s infrastructure expenses. No neighborhood should experience radical change, while no neighborhood should be exempt from change.

What we do

  • Education: We educate ourselves and the Franklin community on smart, innovative land use and zoning practices. We will share resources and invite outside speakers that encourage civic discussion on development strategies.
  • Advocacy:  We provide guidance to empower our members and other Franklin friends to advocate in public forums for land use policies and projects that support our mission. We support candidates for public office who share our vision for a strong Franklin.